Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Doing This Again

So. Here's another blog started (and soon to be aborted) by me. 

I think this one will have a better chance of surviving, although I probably feel some sense of optimism every time I create an account. The purpose of this one, however, is slightly different. This time I will not be selling ad space for "single ladies in your area". Those days were fruitless and chafed. Instead I'll be self-publishing some of the short stories I write in math lectures and between classes. My Moleskine is not the most accessible medium, and should I die before my inevitable rise to literary prominence and the subsequent fatwa uproar, I figure this is the most easily traceable guide to my early works.

Facebook is not really an option for this kind of project. One, most of the people I'm friends with are idiots. I do not want to field questions over plot minutiae, nor be lauded or criticised by people who regard Harry Potter as their literary highlight. Two, I don't really care if people read it. Having something on facebook is like a tattoo you get when you're drunk, a good idea at the time, but rather silly if you look back at it. Three, I feel I should be more engaged in the world around me (not necessarily the one I inhabit). In this age of seamless integration and globalism, I start to feel left out sometimes. 

I also, on the rare occasion, feel the need to write about the goings on in my wonderful country. I'm not one for marching, chanting or coming up with snappy slogans. Most of my slogans are laborious and without a rhyming scheme. Writing (though most forums would disprove this assertion) is somewhat more dignified and measured.

Also, most significantly, I have 3 subjects this semester, this leaves me with plenty of time. I actually take 4, but maths is a write off that I'll be dropping at the end of June - so for now I'm rereading Murakami and starting blogs.

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